Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Speedy Shania

Herow everyone!! Whilst momee was away in HK, nana got me my first pair of wheels... so I have been working on my thunder thighs.
I make fun of those without wheels. <>

I sneer at the slow pokes and shove the `road blocks' away.
It suits me to a `T' coz I am now a licensed toe and shin killer on wheel. Since I have been exercising non-stop; I am extremely streamline and my six month update:
weight : 7.6kg

( only 0.6kg since my 4 mth check up )
head circumference : 41cm

( a petite 1cm rounder - they still exclude double chins and cheeks)
Height : 66cm

( 2 cm from last time - note length anymore coz ahem one is now vertical and not so horizontally challenged)

Thursday, 5 April 2007

March along people!!

Hi all, it certainly has been a busy busy month for me. My nana and khung khung are back in town so I am receiving all the attention at the moment. Hmm lemme put on my thinking cap....Anyhow.. let me tell you whats new, mum discovered that I was ready for food ( glorious food ); when she was hungry and wanted to eat a bun. I was sitting facing out on her lap, when she held the plastic bag with her left hand and started opening it with her right. NATURALLY I homed in and firmly attached my mouth to the bun she was holding... oni one little problem; she had opened it half way...

She tried wrestling it away but my suction power prevailed!! I chomped on it happily whilst mum panicked ( coz nana was nearby )

Anyhow I absolutely love the standing carrier that ntie gloryahh bought for me

so i eat

and loving it, can you tell?

It got so messy, daddy bought me a high chair which I love and
so i eat and eat
absolutely love my high chair, and the t-shirt from my big ee in australia says drama queen!

Who me?