Baptism on the 08Jul07
9 month update :
Weight :9.060 kg
Head Circumference: 44cm
Height : 70cm
On the 08Jul07, ( Jen EE n Jeff QQ wedding anniversary )
in Dad's old school church, St Georges,
Bishop told me that naughty girls do not go to heaven, apparently there is no food there. Of all things this caught my attention!
Watch the hair-do bishop!!! Blessed with Holy Water and cleansed...
Dressed in my cousins' christening gown which big EE kindly borrowed me; with my Godma, Monica
Duck rice and dim sum at Phong Mun Low!
Hi baby what u did to your daddy can buy more Nikes.
Auntie finally figured out how to keep track of you(finally figured what your mom meant by me not blogging)...but your mommy now too slow, cos auntie saw all this already...auntie ready for new photos and comments that make her cry and laugh at the same time
How come mommy no put photos of you being bad??? Like you showing your tongue, or swimming without permission or drinking the forbidden juice???
Opps!!! maybe that's suppose to be a secret???
Also how is your school? Is your boyfriend still rough??? Heard from Nana that your yoga class got a sigh or was it a yawn???
Hope your mommy happy now, cos Auntie found a new outlet to communicate...
hey ntie... I really miss you... now only nana really brightens my day. I finished my class so no more ronda ronda wiv my twin brother.
I am currently learning to walk by pushing the foot stool from one end of nana house to the other. When I get geram, I do the `what duh' hands..
Videos take too long to upload;and both momee n dadee have been very busy.
There are a couple of nice photos that dadee took of meat the airport..momee said she will put it up soon.
Since my slumber party partner has gone to U.S;I am snoozing at 9 everynite... B-O-R-I-N-G
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