Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Running Track at the Stadium

Twas a fine evening in Jul, when momee and dadee decided to get me into the groove of exercising to stay healthy. They took me to the stadium for a little run.When for no apparent reason after about 15 minutes, momee yelped and when Dadee and Ntie Fei saw... they started laughing. Do I look like a comedian to you?! Wassamatta????

Wassamatta???? Geez just because I am a child, they think I do not understand... Wassamatta???? MY RIGHT FOOTMY LEFT FOOT

Baptism on the 08Jul07

9 month update :
Weight :9.060 kg
Head Circumference: 44cm
Height : 70cm

On the 08Jul07, ( Jen EE n Jeff QQ wedding anniversary )
in Dad's old school church, St Georges,
Bishop told me that naughty girls do not go to heaven, apparently there is no food there. Of all things this caught my attention!
So I prayed real hard with all my might, that Jesus will save me and bring me to the land of plenty... of food
Watch the hair-do bishop!!! Blessed with Holy Water and cleansed...
I was waiting for the promise to be fulfilled......
Dressed in my cousins' christening gown which big EE kindly borrowed me; with my Godma, Monica
I smiled to hear Godpa Daryl wish and prayers have been answered

Duck rice and dim sum at Phong Mun Low!