cheers birthday
Hi all, its been a busy busy month. We had mother's day with nana, ntie Angeline and mum in Phong Mun, which was my first full on karaoke. Dunno why all these ppl are grinning at a camera.. they miss the point... ehh helliu ... pay attention THE CAKE *duh
June - busy celebration month. Happy shared B'day to Ntie Glo ( *may all your teeth fall out before you arrive and bite my thighs ) Cheers
and also to my beloved little Ee ( Javier's Momee ), Jennifer... Hats off to you on Hari Gawai (1st Jun)
and not forgetting on the 4th, was my personal fitness trainer, Khung Khung; I admire so much that I `set' my hair to please him
then on the 5th, it was my Big EE in australia's Bday.... Cheers
So I spent most of my time with My Nana and developed quite a sense of style, can u see my first experience with nana's earrings 
Daddee and Momee went off to the U.S without me *sulk and apparently had a good time in Colorado, Vegas and San Franscisco with the Rangis *pout.
At least I have a new wardrobe from dadee ( bought me 6 pairs of nike shoes ) and a whole suitcase of cloths ... sure beats the first few months where it was white white or white... I feel very grown up in this dress.. mum picked.. the words says it all!
It took 9 months for me to look this good
My favourite so far ( very *ahem glamorous) is this ballerine onesie with the frill sleeves but I am so obsessed with the toes.. my toesie wowsies in a silk ballerina slippers!